Air Filtration & Purification: Shield Your Home
Central air systems have the power to circulate particles smaller than the human eye can perceive. Many of these particles are invisible but can have a profound impact on your health. Protect your home and your loved ones from the following airborne particles and bio-contaminants:
- Dust & Dirt
- Tobacco Smoke
- Pollen, Spores, Pet Dander & Other Allergens
- Germs, Bacteria & Viruses
- Mold & Mildew
- Bio Aerosols
- Volatile Organic Compounds
- Chemical Odors & Vapors
Our expert team can recommend mechanical systems such as humidifiers, air filtration systems, and high-quality HVAC filters. We offer high-efficiency filters that trap particles and bulbs that emit UV light to eliminate germs.
Looking for permanent solutions for cleaner, fresher and healthier air? Learn about the three phases of indoor air contamination here.